Questions about stopping and parking

Questions about stopping and parking

First of all, it is important to distinguish between stopping and parking a car. Stopping is when the car is immobilized for short periods of time, for passengers, loading or unloading, and presupposes that the driver is ready to resume driving whenever he or she prevents or hinders other vehicles f...
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What do the dashboard lights mean?

What do the dashboard lights mean?

The instrument panel lights are designed to alert the driver to possible faults or anomalies in the vehicle.First of all, know that the color of the light you see will indicate the level of attention you should pay to the warning. Therefore, green, blue or white lights are merely informative and do...
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Car seats care

Car seats care

Getting into a new car is one of the best feelings you can have. The impeccable appearance and extraordinary cleanliness give us a special feeling of comfort. What if we could prolong this moment for longer?Keeping your car clean helps preserve it and also the feeling of comfort you get when you get...
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What are the different levels of autonomous driving?

What are the different levels of autonomous driving?

Car autonomy has been a hot topic in recent years, and did you know that there are several levels depending on the need for driver intervention during the driving process?Most brands are betting on driving assistance systems, and some of these mechanisms will become compulsory in new cars from this...
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Rules for driving cars with a trailer

Rules for driving cars with a trailer

There are various reasons for driving a vehicle with a trailer, whether it's to transport bulky loads, a caravan, a boat or something else. If you have a category B driving license, you should know that under specific conditions you can drive vehicles with trailers.Yes, it's true! Your category B li...
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How to transport children in the car

How to transport children in the car

On May 15, International Family Day was celebrated, and many families enjoyed a drive with all their relatives. Children, being the most vulnerable, have specific rules for their car journeys. Most people recognize the importance of complying with safety rules, but not everyone knows what procedures...
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How to contest a fine

How to contest a fine

Almost all of us have experienced receiving a fine and feeling that we have been wronged. When this happens there is the possibility of appealing, just be aware of the deadlines and procedures to be followed.In Portugal, in order to appeal a fine, you must pay it in advance, but never as payment, as...
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Can I get my license in an automatic car?

Can I get my license in an automatic car?

When you get your driver's license, you have to learn traffic rules, signs, speeds and, of course, clutch points. Is this last point unnecessary?.Over the years, what used to be considered a luxury has become more affordable, such as automatic cars. Despite this, most driving schools offer their stu...
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Rules for driving outside Portugal

Rules for driving outside Portugal

If you're planning to travel or emigrate, it's important to know the differences in driving rules between Portugal and your destination country. Knowing the rules can save you a lot of fines and embarrassment, so here are some basics on the peculiarities outside our country..Can I drive with a Portu...
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