Tricks to save on fuel when filling up

Tricks to save on fuel when filling up

4 tricks to save money when filling up.


1st trick:

Always fill up in the morning, as early as possible.

The ambient and ground temperature is lower. All petrol stations have their tanks underground, and because it's colder, the density of petrol and diesel is lower.

The opposite is true during the day, when the ground temperature rises and the fuels tend to expand.

So if you fill up at midday, in the afternoon or at dusk, the liter of fuel won't be exactly one liter.


2nd trick:

When you fill up the tank yourself, don't squeeze the nozzle to the maximum (ask the refueler to do the same if you're being served).

The pressure exerted on the gun determines the speed of the fuel, which can be slow, medium or high.

Always choose the slowest mode and you'll save more money.

By filling more slowly, less steam is created and most of the fuel poured in is converted into a real, effective fill.


3rd trick:

Fill the tank before it is half full. The more fuel you have in the tank, the less air there is in it.

Fuel evaporates more quickly than you think.

Large refinery tanks have floating ceilings inside, keeping the air separated from the fuel in order to keep evaporation to a minimum.


4th trick:

Don't fill up the tank when the gas station is being refueled or immediately afterwards.

If you arrive at the gas station and see a tanker truck refueling its underground tanks, or have just refueled them, avoid filling up at the gas station at that time if you can.

When the tanks are refilled, the new fuel enters in force and mixes with the rest, which causes the remaining fuel to be agitated and the sediment at the bottom to remain suspended for a while.

So you run the risk of filling the tank with dirty fuel!




Source: Altamente

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