Learn how to remove ice from your car windows

Learn how to remove ice from your car windows

I'm sure that, after a very cold night, you've found your car window completely frosted over and wondered how best to remove it. We're going to give you some tips to help you remove ice from your car window.

There are several ways to remove ice from your car window, depending on the amount of time you have available and the materials you have in your possession. These are some of the ways to remove ice from your car window:


Mixing water with alcohol

A very effective solution for removing ice from car windows is a mixture of alcohol and water. With 1/3 water and 2/3 ethyl alcohol in a spray bottle, you create the ideal mixture to melt the ice. Just shoot the spray onto the ice and you'll see the ice melt as soon as the mixture hits the ice. Be careful when using this method: you should always wash the sheet metal around the windshield so that the paint doesn't corrode. Another option is a mixture of water and vinegar. With 3/4 water and 1/4 vinegar, you create another mixture capable of melting the ice on your car.


Air conditioning and climate control

For those people who aren't in a hurry and have time to wait a little longer, the solution of turning the climate control on full blast and the air conditioning is the most practical. The increased temperature of the windshield will start to cause the ice to melt and the air conditioning will not allow the ice to form again, removing the humidity from the interior of the vehicle. This is perhaps the most practical way of removing ice from your car windows, but it is still more time-consuming.


Electric demister

Some vehicles have an electric windshield defroster, so this is also a good option. Composed of filaments embedded inside the glass, this demister is capable of generating heat and melting ice (for example, the new Mercedes A-Class model has this system in the rear window). Even so, it's not an immediate operation and you'll need to have the engine running to use it, so you don't risk discharging your car's battery.


A spatula

There are plastic spatulas for this purpose, which are a good solution for removing ice from your car windows. However, they are not available in all supermarkets. If you can't find this spatula for sale, you can replace it with an old credit card that you no longer use.


These are the main ways to make the ice on your car's glass disappear. However, you can always prevent ice from accumulating on the glass by covering it with a sheet or a piece of cardboard, as long as you cover the glass so the ice doesn't form. Then you won't have to remove the ice from your car window!




Translated with DeepL.com

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