Used Benecar cars arrive at Worten

Used Benecar cars arrive at Worten

Worten has everything... and now even used cars! The brand is reinforcing its commitment to the automotive sector with a partnership with Benecar, extending its offer to the sale of second-hand cars. The new category will be highlighted in the campaign that kicks off this Tuesday, March 12th. Until the end of the year, if you buy a used car from Benecar via Worten's website or app, the two brands will be offering €250 in workshop services and products at Benecar and €200 in purchases at Worten.

"With this partnership with Benecar, we want to continue to focus on the mobility sector, this time extending it to the used car category, something that was not yet possible to buy on the Worten website," says António Fuzeta da Ponte, Head of Brand and Communication at Worten. "Our main goal is to be a one-stop shop with the best price guaranteed for all Portuguese for the most varied products and services, and this also includes the category of cars and, in particular, used cars, which we are highlighting in this campaign," he adds.

The partnership starts today and will be publicized digitally, but the possibility of buying second-hand cars, in partnership with Benecar, will continue to be available on the app and on until the end of the year.




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