How does the airbag work?

How does the airbag work?

Safety systems in cars are getting better and better and, like seatbelts, airbags are one of the main systems that reduce the negative consequences of an accident for the driver and passengers.

To be triggered, various parameters are taken into account, such as sudden deceleration, the speed and weight of the occupants and the point of impact. Depending on the situation, the bags that are triggered can vary, i.e. by means of sensors that work in conjunction with the airbag, it is possible to see whether or not the activation of this specific bag is necessary.

If the airbag system is ever triggered, it will not be possible to repair it. In this case you will have to replace the entire system, including the steering wheel, panels, bags, module, sensors, seat belts, cables and harnesses.


Types of airbag:


Double front: The most common. The bags are usually inside the steering wheel and on the dashboard in front of the passenger seat. In this case, their function is to protect the driver\passenger's chest;

Curtain: In this model, the air bag comes out of the top side of the car and covers the entire vehicle window. In this way, the system reduces head impacts in side accidents and helps protect the occupants from possible shards of glass;

Lateral: This category aims to save the side of the vehicle occupants' bodies. The protection comes from the side of the front seats;

Central: The central airbag is a mechanism that is attached between the front seats and its function is to prevent passengers from colliding with each other during an accident;

Rear: This bag comes into action during a rear impact and is triggered in the contours of the back seat to protect the occupants' heads;

Roof: A novelty brought by Hyundai, the roof airbag promises that passengers in cars with panoramic roofs will not be cut or thrown out of the vehicle in the event of a possible rollover;

Belt Airbag: This technology basically surrounds the seat belt with an air bag during an accident. It helps to reduce the force of the impact on the body by increasing the contact area;

Knee Airbag: With an almost self-explanatory name, their main function is to protect the driver's legs from impact against the vehicle's steering column in the event of a serious accident;

On the Hood: Still unusual, it is located at the base of the vehicle's windshield. It is only activated in the event of a pedestrian being hit by a car, preventing the pedestrian from colliding with the vehicle.


Preventing injuries caused by airbags

Despite being an extremely important safety system, there are cases in which the action of these devices causes injuries to the vehicle's occupants. To avoid these situations, you must maintain a correct posture, both when driving and in the passenger seats.

To avoid burns from the gas that triggers the airbag, it is recommended that the driver keeps an average distance of 25 cm from the steering wheel, and that their hands are positioned to the side of the steering wheel so that if the airbag goes off, they don't suffer from the impact of the bag. Passengers should never place their feet on the dashboard, otherwise they risk breaking their legs as a result of the airbag.





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