Charging an electric battery could be faster than filling the fuel tank

Charging an electric battery could be faster than filling the fuel tank

Quantum batteries could change everything we know about charging electric car batteries. The disadvantage of waiting time while electric cars charge may no longer exist.

The hypothesis of using quantum physics for the automotive industry came from a team of researchers from the Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems at the Institute of Basic Sciences (IBS). Several past studies have shown that quantum batteries can be charged up to 200 times faster than conventional batteries.

The difference in charging time is due to the fact that, in a conventional battery, the cells are charged independently, while in quantum batteries all the cells can be charged at the same time, and the larger the quantum battery, the greater the reduction in charging time.

We can measure this charging benefit by the "quantum charging advantage". Thus, compared to a conventional 200-cell battery, the quantum battery can be 200 times faster to charge.

In practical terms, we can see that 10-hour charges at home would take around 3 minutes, while 30-minute charges at high-speed stations would be reduced to just a few seconds.

This technology still has many unanswered questions and will need several years of research before it can become a valid alternative to the batteries currently in use.





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