What to do in the event of an emergency stop on the highway

What to do in the event of an emergency stop on the highway

Stopping on the highway is prohibited and punishable by a very serious offense. However, there are some situations that may require a stop, such as breakdowns. Never stop at the suggestion of others, it could be a trap and you could be the target of a robbery.If you ever have to make an emergency st...
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 7 Tips for car paint maintenance

7 Tips for car paint maintenance

Keeping your car's paintwork well maintained isn't just for the vain; anyone who wants to look after their vehicle and keep it in good condition will also have to worry about this.A car's paintwork is the first thing you see and can convey an image of who is driving it. In addition, a poorly maintai...
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What to do when you lose your driving license

What to do when you lose your driving license

Documents may not be the most costly assets to lose, but they are extremely important because of the information they contain. The steps to follow when this happens are becoming easier and easier due to new technologies.When it comes to your driver's license, the first thing you need to do is report...
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Amaxophobia - the fear of driving

Amaxophobia - the fear of driving

Almost everyone knows someone with an irrational fear of driving, this fear is called amaxophobia and can manifest itself in various ways. The way it manifests itself differs from person to person and there are ways to treat it.The name of this phobia comes from the combination of two words of Greek...
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Can I have tinted windows in my car?

Can I have tinted windows in my car?

We are seeing more and more cars with tinted windows, both for privacy and static reasons. What does the law say about this?There are many reasons and advantages to having dark tinted car windows, from the privacy they provide to the increased resistance of the windows in the event of an accident an...
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Advantages and disadvantages of LED headlights

Advantages and disadvantages of LED headlights

There are three types of car headlights: halogen, xenon and LED. The latter are the latest technology and, like everything else, have their advantages and disadvantages.The importance of car headlights is indisputable, as they serve not only to see better but also to be seen. The most widely used on...
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How to get a car stuck in the sand

How to get a car stuck in the sand

With summer comes the desire to go for a walk or sunbathe on our country's wonderful beaches. Of course, the chances of getting bogged down in the sand aren't that slim, you just have to park on a verge or take a wrong turn. Find out how to get out of this situation without having to call the tow tr...
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Front wheel drive vs Rear wheel drive

Front wheel drive vs Rear wheel drive

If you've ever heard someone ask if the car "pulls at the front or the back" and you didn't understand what they were talking about, they were referring to the car's traction. In this case, the question would be whether the car in question had front or rear-wheel drive. This detail can make all the...
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How to react in cases of tiredness and stress

How to react in cases of tiredness and stress

Stress and tiredness are responsible for many less pleasant situations, which can often be prevented.Tiredness can have various causes, all of which are closely related to drivers' lives, such as insufficient sleep or the activities carried out throughout the day. When a driver is fatigued, their p...
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