We are Five Star Regions for the second year running

We are Five Star Regions for the second year running

Benecar - Cidade do Automóvel was once again distinguished with the Five Star Regions Award - Leiria district, in the Best Used Car Dealership category, maintaining the status it achieved in 2019.

For the second year running, Benecar has once again been elected with this distinction, which assesses the level of satisfaction that users show in relation to the products and brands of each region. This time, Benecar is the used car dealership with the highest satisfaction rating in the Leiria district.

In order to arrive at a result on Overall Satisfaction, the criteria of Satisfaction through experimentation, Price/Quality ratio, Purchase Intention and/or Recommendation, Brand Confidence and Innovation were evaluated.

Of particular note were the Satisfaction, Price and Intention scores of 9.34/10, 8.88/10 and 9.50/10, respectively. In terms of overall satisfaction, looking at all the criteria, Benecar was rated at 8.60.

Compared to last year's results, Benecar showed an increase in practically all the criteria, of which we highlight Satisfaction with experimentation, which rose by 5.1%, from 8.89 (2019) to 9.34 (2020). These results led to a 3.2% increase in the Global Satisfaction assessment from 8.33 (2019) to 8.60 (2020).




Translated with DeepL.com

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