The meaning of the orange Volvo key

The meaning of the orange Volvo key

If you've ever come across an orange Volvo car key, there's a reason for it, and that's what we're about to tell you.

Volvo has always prioritised the quality and safety of its vehicles and has therefore created an important system in a car key. Volvo's orange key is a limitation key!

Called the Care Key, this is a programmable intelligent key. It is distinguished by its orange colour and is very useful for borrowing a car or for parents who let their children drive their car.

The significance of Volvo's orange key is the speed limit set by the car owner. For example, if you want to let your child drive your car or decide to lend your Volvo to a friend, you can set a maximum speed limit that the vehicle can reach.

This is one way Volvo has found to help combat speeding accidents by limiting inexperienced drivers to a controlled speed.

To programme this orange key, all you have to do is have a user profile at Volvo and that's where you can use this tool if you wish. If you don't make any limitations, the key will work in the same way as a normal key.

And that's the meaning of Volvo's orange key: a Care Key, a security and limitation tool. Did you know that?

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