Portuguese road abbreviations

Portuguese road abbreviations

I'm sure you've driven many kilometres through Portugal and have often wondered what those letters that give the roads their names mean, right? We're going to tell you the abbreviations for the Portuguese roads you see most often on your way.

Whether in your daily routine or on a long drive, there are many different routes you take. But do you know the meaning of all the Portuguese road abbreviations?

Here's a list of the main abbreviations you'll come across on the roads of Portugal:

  • A - Motorway

  • IP - Main Route

  • IC - Complementary Route

  • EN - National Road

  • ER - Regional Road

  • EM - Municipal Road

In addition to these acronyms most recognised by Portuguese drivers, here are some other abbreviations for Portuguese roads that you may already be familiar with:

  • E - European Road (with a green background)

  • VCI - Via de Cintura Interna

  • SCUT - Sem Custo para o Utilizador (referring to tolls at no cost to users)

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