Know the signs that alert you to changing cars

Know the signs that alert you to changing cars

No matter how hard you try to avoid changing your car, there are signs that you can't miss and that will surely tell you that it's ideal to change your car.


  1. Strange engine noises

Whether when you start the car or when it's running, it's best to change your car.

  1. Unstable engine temperature

Engine? Symptom of changing your car every time

  1. Loss of fluid

If the cooling system is faulty, you know what to do.

  1. Vibrations

Feeling vibrations in both the steering wheel and pedals is not normal

  1. Noises and looseness in the steering and transmission

If you find it more difficult to change direction, if the car doesn't go straight ahead or if you have to push harder on the clutch pedal, it's time to change your car.

  1. Increasing difficulty braking

Braking is essential in any vehicle and if you're having brake problems, consider getting rid of the car.

  1. Suspension problems

If the damping system doesn't absorb uneven surfaces well and is increasingly unstable and jerky on your journeys, this is another sign that you need a new car.

  1. Black smoke emitting from the exhaust

This is a symptom of the engine burning too much fuel and can potentially damage other components.

  1. Minor breakdowns

If you spend more time fixing your car's faults than driving it goes without saying that you might as well save the money on repairs and invest in a new car.

  1. Bodywork problems

Does your car have any rust? Does it have soundproofing and insulation problems? Change your car!


Defining the useful life of a car always depends on several characteristics. The main ones are preventive and corrective maintenance, driving style and climate. Any car will last longer if it undergoes all the servicing stipulated by the manufacturer, if it is driven gently and if it is protected in a garage when not in use.

The quality standards for the engine generally have a minimum of 150,000 kilometers and an average lifespan of around 250,000 kilometers, depending on use and maintenance. With regard to fixed parts, such as trim or plastic parts, and taking into account that these parts must be recyclable, an average lifespan of around 10 years is estimated. Similarly, the quality of the bodywork is guaranteed for a minimum of 10 years, while the electrical installation - and not the electrical components - has an unlimited lifespan.

If your car has one or more of these signs, don't hesitate and take a look at the vehicles Benecar has available HERE.




Source: ACP (adapated)

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