How to save on car expenses

How to save on car expenses

Having a car is synonymous with freedom, but it also comes with its own costs. In order to save on the costs associated with your car, you need to realize that spending less today can lead to huge costs tomorrow. Follow the tips below to ensure you save money on your car.


Know your actual car expenses

First of all, understand where your money is going. You can use a notepad, an Excel sheet or even apps on your cell phone to get a sense of where you're spending your money. Don't forget to include all the direct and indirect expenses related to owning and using your car, such as installments, insurance, IUC, periodic inspections, maintenance, tolls and others. That said, you can see which expenses you can cut back on in the future.


Don't drive aggressively

It's common knowledge that aggressive driving leads to higher fuel consumption, but there are more costs associated with this practice. In addition to the increased risk of accidents, aggressive acceleration and constant braking cause more wear and tear on the clutch, engine and brakes.


Check the air in your tires

Insufficient pressure in the car's tires leads to greater heat absorption and consequently faster and possibly uneven wear. This can jeopardize safety, make the steering heavier and, of course, increase fuel consumption.


Don't ignore noises

Unusual noises that you may notice are often indicators of an anomaly before the dashboard lights even appear. If you know your car, you'll certainly notice if a different noise appears, in which case you should go to your mechanic. The longer you ignore your car's signals, the greater the consequences and associated costs can be.


Checking the air filter

Regularly checking and changing your air filters can save you a lot of money in the future, as they can collect a lot of dirt, dust and so on. A clogged air filter causes the air flow to decrease, resulting in a mixture of more fuel and less air and therefore affecting the engine's performance. All this leads to higher fuel costs and possible future repairs.


Have a reliable mechanic

Give preference to a professional who has proven to be trustworthy, either because they have been satisfied with past work or on the recommendation of friends or family. Often hiring a cheaper service can lead to future embarrassment.

The Benecar workshop is staffed by the best mechanics, with the necessary training to meet the quality standards of a brand repair.


Re-evaluate the need for another car

The expenses associated with owning a car alone are considerable. Consider whether you need to have another car or whether you can, for example, take a longer drive to take your spouse to work. The cost of fuel and the 10 minutes of lost sleep can offset the cost of a second car.


Scheduled maintenance on time

Maintenance aims to keep your car in good condition and therefore avoid surprises and repair costs. Make sure you carry out correct and timely maintenance when it comes to changing the oil, filters, brakes and so on. Maintenance information can be found in your car's handbook. Regular visits to the mechanic also help to detect possible problems.


Negotiate insurance every year

If you do nothing, the cost of insurance will tend to increase. Compare prices and negotiate rates a few days before your insurance renewal.





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