Find out what to do if you lose control of your car

Find out what to do if you lose control of your car

There are several ways in which we can lose control of our car. We're talking about the weather (rain, snow, or especially ice), sudden breakdowns, or obstacles on the road such as problems with the asphalt or animals crossing our path. These are situations that can get out of hand and put us in a tricky situation when it comes to reacting.

In the event of rain, for example, we can fall victim to aquaplaning. Aquaplaning is when a thin layer of rain spreads between the asphalt and the wheels of our vehicle, so that we lose control of the vehicle because the steering or brakes don't respond to our movements, in other words, the car slides. That's why it's not advisable to make sudden movements on rainy days.

In any case, even if we haven't looked for it and have been careful, we may realize that our car is losing control due to a weather agent, such as ice, for example. It is advisable not to brake, as the steering is not stable and you will notice even more loss of control. Release the accelerator to reduce speed. Also, if you can, don't turn the steering wheel, just let the car slide to a stop. If you have to turn, do it smoothly and always in the same direction, even if you realize that the car is going in the opposite direction.

Another situation you may encounter is the brakes not responding because of a breakdown. Act cool-headedly, release your foot from the accelerator and try to continue braking, as it may be that the mechanism has been momentarily deactivated. If the car doesn't brake, guide it to a safe area.

If you drive at high speed, reduce the speed using the gearbox, activating the lower gears little by little. When driving at very low speeds, you can start applying the handbrake, but you should do so progressively. In a fatal case, you can always stop the car by approaching a side wall or a rail: the rail will be damaged, but not you.

Another case we may come across is an animal or any other obstacle on the road. What is the best thing we can do for our safety? Many accidents happen because of an animal crossing our path, and to avoid hitting it, the driver diverts their path to one side, often leaving the road and ending up in dangerous places. It's difficult to act cool-headedly and often this reaction is due to our instincts, but the best thing we can do is press the brake fully. Although our instincts lead us to save the animal, we must bear in mind that leaving the road could be fatal for us.





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