Can I drive barefoot, in flip-flops or naked?

Can I drive barefoot, in flip-flops or naked?

We've all heard that it's forbidden to drive barefoot, in flip-flops or naked. Is that true?

What the law says about these cases is... nothing!


Nothing in the law says it's allowed to drive in these conditions, but it doesn't say it's forbidden either. Even so, there are many certainties about how to precede and every year we repeatedly hear the urban myth that it is forbidden to drive barefoot, in flip-flops or naked.

Article 11 of the Highway Code states that drivers must, while driving, refrain from any acts that may impair safe driving and, in the event of an accident, if it is proven that wearing slippers impaired driving, drivers may be punished with a fine of between 60 and 300 euros. The reality is that in the majority of road accidents, drivers wear shoes. As for driving bare-chested, as long as you make sure you're wearing a seatbelt, you're within the law.

It's important to stress the importance of road safety, so if you're not comfortable driving in this way, it's advisable not to do so in order to avoid less-than-optimal outcomes. Remember that, in the event of an accident, the lack of clothing or shoes can cause more serious injuries, as shrapnel comes into contact with the skin more easily.

During the vacations, with longer journeys, pay extra attention to driving comfort and safety.



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