Amaxophobia - the fear of driving

Amaxophobia - the fear of driving

Almost everyone knows someone with an irrational fear of driving, this fear is called amaxophobia and can manifest itself in various ways. The way it manifests itself differs from person to person and there are ways to treat it.

The name of this phobia comes from the combination of two words of Greek origin, "amaxo" meaning "car" and "phobia" meaning "irrational fear". This fear is not of the car itself, but of the possibility of losing control or other consequences of driving.


Causes and symptoms:

The most common cause of amaxophobia is trauma, such as a previous accident, which can cause insecurity in the person who has suffered it. In addition, factors that lead to this condition can be a lack of self-esteem, lack of knowledge, insecurity behind the wheel, reduced physical or mental capabilities (age, health problems...), among others.


The symptoms associated with driving phobia are directly linked to anxiety and panic attacks:

- Insecurity;

- Muscle tension;

- Accelerated heart rate;

- A feeling of loss of strength in the arms and/or legs;

- Blurred vision;

- Episodes of stress;

- Sweating;

- Dizziness

- Nausea;

- ...


The amaxophobe can experience the symptoms associated with this condition for any driving activity or only in specific situations, such as driving in unfamiliar places, in poor light, in adverse weather conditions, among others.



Amoxophobia, like other phobias, can be treated with professional help. Some suggestions include cognitive-behavioral therapy or even driving lessons with the assistance of a psychologist or psychotherapist.

It's important to realize that, in these cases, what works for one person may not work for another, as the treatment of a phobia depends on its cause and the person's reaction to their surroundings.

If you're going through a similar situation, get advice from a health professional.




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