7 Tips for car paint maintenance

7 Tips for car paint maintenance

Keeping your car's paintwork well maintained isn't just for the vain; anyone who wants to look after their vehicle and keep it in good condition will also have to worry about this.

A car's paintwork is the first thing you see and can convey an image of who is driving it. In addition, a poorly maintained paint job can lead to defects in the car's structure and aerodynamics, and consequently in its performance. Find out how to properly maintain your car and avoid spending money on a new paint job.


Protect from heat and cold

One of the biggest enemies of paintwork is adverse temperatures. It's no coincidence that when you take out insurance for your car you need to state whether or not it has a garage. Of course, it's impossible to avoid this issue completely, but being vigilant and changing some behaviors can make a difference.

Whenever you can, store your car in a garage, covered parking space or in the shade. This will prevent the heat from causing cracks in the paintwork or other damage caused by rain, wind and frost.


Wash regularly

It is advisable to wash your car about once a week to avoid residue build-up. Wash your vehicle with moderately pressurized water and suitable detergents, in the shade and when the car is cold. To avoid scratches and stains on the paintwork, wear special gloves made of pressed cotton and dry the car thoroughly.

If you prefer to have this service carried out by specialized people, CONTACT BENECAR to schedule your wash. We have sophisticated equipment that allows us to provide an excellent wash.


Occasional polishing and waxing

This procedure is recommended once or twice a year and allows your paintwork to last much longer. Polishing consists of removing a thin layer of varnish to even out and remove dirt that escapes the wash. Waxing, on the other hand, is the opposite: it fills in irregularities and is not as abrasive as polishing. Be careful not to do it in the sun.


Car color

Yes, the color of the car makes a difference! There are colors that require more attention, for example, on a black car it's much easier to notice scratches. Older, worn paintwork also requires extra attention.


Car maintenance

A car that is not maintained will have consequences. In the case of paintwork, this can lead to oxidation of certain parts, i.e. rust. This damage is irreversible and leads to the replacement of parts or repainting.



We've all been in the car and had gifts from the little birds that brighten up our days with their chirping. It's not just hygiene that's at stake, but also the car's paintwork, as this dirt is extremely corrosive and can cause stains in just one day. Avoid parking under trees and if you still can't escape the birds, wash the car as soon as possible.



If your car is going to be parked for a while and you don't have the chance to leave it in a covered parking lot or garage, opt for a cover. Covers prevent the car from being exposed to the weather and can cost between 20 and 70 euros.

The consequences of not preserving your car's paintwork can be many and, ultimately, can lead to a new paint job. If you're running out of time to protect your car, Benecar has the best specialists, equipment and technology to offer you the best paint sprayers in the West. Find out more about this BENECAR SERVICE.


Happy travels!




Source: e-konomista.pt

Translated with DeepL.com

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